The Litigation Counsellor®

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Google Inc. has agreed to a $5.5 million class-action settlement in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware over allegations that the company violated federal privacy laws by circumventing privacy settings of Apple’s Safari browser, allowing advertisers to set up third-party cookies on the browsers of unknowing users.

Plaintiffs Adam Pezen, Carolo Licata and Nimesh Patel filed a class-action lawsuit against social network giant Facebook, Inc. to end the company’s collection, use and storage of its users’ sensitive identity information. The litigation, which is proceeding through discovery in the Northern District of California, is set for a jury trial on October 2, 2017.

The Effect of 3-D Printing on Products Liability Law

Elizabeth DiNardo, Esq. | Associate Counsel

With technology advancing at an ever-increasing rate, the law must be continuously reexamined in order to keep pace with society’s needs. Products liability law is currently experiencing this phenomenon, as 3-D printing becomes a reality in many industries. 3-D printing poses a significant disruption to the usual flow of the supply chain on which traditional products liability law is based; now anyone can simply design and manufacture a product from the comfort of their own home. The black and white distinctions between designer, manufacturer, distributor and purchaser are no longer present.